Will A.I. Replace Digital Marketers?

Recently, artificial intelligence has made itself a prominent role in digital marketing. This technology has been incredibly useful in streamlining various processes and providing valuable insights into market trends. However, with all AI has to offer, is it truly capable of usurping digital marketers? Or is digital marketing a job that just can’t be replaced by AI?

To answer your questions, this article explores the influence of AI in digital marketing and whether it’s sufficient enough to get the job done.

How AI is Used in Digital Marketing

Here are some different ways artificial intelligence is used in digital marketing:

  • Creating Content: AI is increasingly being used to write marketing content, including product descriptions, social media posts, emails, etc. It also assists in generating multimedia like images, audio, and video.
  • Performing Data Analytics: AI also excels at analyzing large data sets and extracting meaningful information from them. It quickly uncovers trends and customer behavior patterns that can help improve your marketing plan.
  • Customer Service: Artificial intelligence can also contribute to customer support through AI-powered chatbots. They can answer frequently asked questions, handle complaints, and guide users through their purchases. 

Can Digital Marketers Be Replaced By A.I.?

Despite advancements in AI, it hasn’t been able to replace digital marketers. This is because there are a few attributes of marketing jobs that AI just can’t replicate. Like, AI can’t create original ideas and lacks critical thinking and emotional intelligence. Let’s go into particular examples of these points to understand it properly:

1. Can’t Create Original Ideas

The success of your digital marketing strategy relies on creating innovative and original ideas that also resonate with your audience. Unfortunately, most AI tools solely generate content from already existing data. So, while AI can develop decent-quality content, it won’t help set you apart from the competition. 

The creativity to drive your strategy can only come from human-based marketing, as it’s not limited to current trends. Instead, humans take inspiration from personal experience and cultural context to create wholly original content. 

2. Lacks Critical Thinking

As mentioned before, artificial intelligence excels at deriving information from large sets of data to improve your marketing strategy. However, AI lacks the critical thinking to properly use this information. It’s incapable of understanding complex situations, weighing the pros and cons, or predicting potential outcomes. 

That’s why data analytics rely on human intelligence to judge and draw conclusions from the given information. Human marketers have the intuition, contextual understanding, and decision-making skills to navigate the digital market. 

3. Lacks Emotional Intelligence

Another driving force of a successful marketing strategy is having the ability to understand and recognize your customer’s needs. It helps foster genuine relationships with your customers and build brand loyalty. However, artificial intelligence is unable to empathize and understand the emotional nuances of customer behavior.

This is one of the major reasons 88% of customers would rather speak to a person than a chatbox. They have the emotional intelligence to interpret a customer’s needs, consider their preferences, and relate to their concerns.


Although artificial intelligence plays a significant role in digital marketing, it can only ever be used as a supportive tool rather than a replacement. AI can never replicate the originality, critical thinking, and emotional intelligence needed to run digital marketing strategies. These are qualities you’ll only find human marketers are equipped with.

If you’re interested in learning more about digital marketing, contact me at Alex Smale to discover how I can help scale your business. My skills as a digital marketer can help your business thrive and grow.

Let’s shake hands and make it worth it for you.