is a personal brand website owned and operated solely by Alex Smale. The website serves as a platform to share insights, knowledge, and expertise in digital marketing, online business, virtual reality, and the leisure industry. The content provided is aimed at helping business owners and leisure attraction operators navigate the challenges and opportunities within these dynamic sectors.

Ownership and Management is fully owned by Alex Smale, who is also the sole content creator and manager of the website. Every aspect of the site, from content creation to site maintenance, is directly overseen by Alex, ensuring that the website consistently aligns with the values and vision that define his personal brand.

Funding is entirely self-funded. The website operates without external financial support, investment, or sponsorship. This self-funding approach allows for complete editorial independence, ensuring that the content provided is unbiased and solely focused on delivering value to the readers.

Grants and External Funding does not apply for, nor does it receive, any grants or external funding. The decision to remain self-funded is rooted in the commitment to maintaining the integrity and authenticity of the content. This independence guarantees that the advice, insights, and recommendations shared on the website are free from external influence or pressure.

Revenue Streams

While may explore potential revenue streams such as affiliate marketing, sponsored content, or partnerships in the future, these will be carefully selected to align with the site’s mission and values. Any such content will be clearly disclosed to maintain transparency with the audience.

Commitment to Independence

The self-funded nature of is a testament to the commitment to providing honest, reliable, and high-quality content. By avoiding external financial dependencies, the website remains fully dedicated to serving the best interests of its readers.

Alex Smale is committed to upholding the highest standards of transparency and integrity, ensuring that continues to be a trusted resource for business owners and leisure attraction operators seeking to grow and thrive in their industries.

This ownership structure is fundamental to the philosophy of Alex Smale, allowing the site to remain a genuinely independent and authoritative voice in the fields of digital marketing, online business, virtual reality, and the leisure industry.