Consulting With Alex Smale

Affiliate Marketing

Alex Smale’s first foray into the ‘make money online’, ‘biz op’ space was in affiliate marketing.

Alex had a highly successful marketing agency. But it was successful moreso for his clients than it was for him.

His hard work and talent in digital marketing was making his clients very rich and happy. While he himself was only making a relatively small amount with the agency fees.

Which itself was a very expensive business to run, with so many team members needed for fulfilment.

So Alex was looking for a better way to use his years of knowledge and experience in digital marketing when he stumbled across an ad on YouTube.

The video was of a guy, walking along a beach in Thailand.

He was talking about the life he’d created by selling other people’s products for a commission.

This really struck a chord with Alex and he immediately went all-in with affiliate marketing.

He then went on to build a $500,000 income over the next few months. Becoming a number one affiliate and gold coach.

He has many tactics and strategies he can share with you if you wish to build an affiliate marketing business of your own.

Interview With Alex Smale

Alex Smale Headshot 2

Alex Smale – Online Business Consultant


Online Coaching

After a successful launch into the online sales world, it became clear to Alex that he could offer more to his clients by creating a program of his own.

Rather than simply selling other people’s programs. Over which, he had no control or input.

So he launched his first online coaching company, helping photographers to grow their businesses.

It was a big success, and he worked with hundreds of photographers. Teaching them how to market themselves effectively.

And importantly, how to develop a unique style to stand out from the crowd.

Which was such an important element in Alex’s own success as a photographer and artist.

When the pandemic hit, it affected photographers particularly harshly. As they were no-longer able to operate.

Alex continued to support his clients for years throughout the crisis. But it became immediately clear that he would have to launch a new venture.

So Alex launched a new business helping people to launch a new online coaching business of their own. With the aim of giving people another option when their income was being threatened due to Covid.

It was hugely successful over a period of years. Helping thousands to join the digital economy. And itself, reaching close to $1 million per month in revenue.

Operation Profits

Alex then launched a new consulting business called Operation Profits to share his wealth of experience with other high-level business owners in the online space, helping them to become more profitable.

This time, it would be a joint venture between his business partners, Alex Jeffreys, Carl Amery and himself. Each bringing many, many years of experience in this space to the table.

They work with a small group of clients, consulting them with media buying, strategy and business development.