Ethics Policy for

At, we are committed to upholding the highest standards of ethical behavior in all aspects of our work. This Ethics Policy outlines the personal, organizational, and corporate standards of conduct that guide our decisions, actions, and interactions. We believe that maintaining integrity, transparency, and respect is essential to building and sustaining trust with our audience, partners, and the broader community.

1. Personal Ethics

As the owner and primary content creator of, Alex Smale is committed to the following personal ethical principles:

  • Integrity: I commit to honesty and transparency in all communications, ensuring that the information I provide is accurate and reliable.
  • Responsibility: I take full accountability for the content published on and am committed to correcting any errors or inaccuracies promptly.
  • Respect: I treat all individuals with dignity and respect, regardless of their background, beliefs, or opinions. This includes respecting the intellectual property rights of others and ensuring that all content is original or properly attributed.
  • Confidentiality: I respect the privacy and confidentiality of those who engage with, adhering to our Privacy Policy and safeguarding any personal information shared with us.

2. Organisational Ethics

As an organization, upholds the following ethical standards:

  • Editorial Independence: We maintain complete editorial independence, ensuring that our content is free from external influence or pressure. Our self-funded model allows us to prioritize the interests and needs of our audience.
  • Objectivity: We strive to provide balanced and unbiased content, presenting information and perspectives fairly. We are committed to avoiding conflicts of interest and disclosing any potential biases.
  • Transparency: We are open and transparent about our processes, including how we create content, handle feedback, and address corrections. We communicate clearly with our audience about our policies and practices.
  • Diversity and Inclusion: We value diversity and are committed to representing a wide range of voices and perspectives in our content. We actively seek to include and amplify underrepresented voices within the digital marketing, online business, virtual reality, and leisure industries.

3. Corporate Ethics

In our corporate conduct, adheres to the following principles:

  • Legal Compliance: We comply with all applicable laws and regulations governing our activities, including those related to copyright, data protection, and online content.
  • Ethical Partnerships: We engage in partnerships and collaborations with organizations and individuals who share our commitment to ethical practices. We avoid partnerships that could compromise our integrity or the trust of our audience.
  • Sustainability: We are committed to minimizing our environmental impact and promoting sustainable practices in our operations. This includes making environmentally conscious choices in our digital infrastructure and content production processes.
  • Social Responsibility: We recognize our responsibility to contribute positively to the communities we serve. This includes providing valuable, actionable content that helps business owners and leisure attraction operators succeed while promoting ethical business practices.

4. Accountability and Continuous Improvement

We are committed to continuous improvement in our ethical practices:

  • Feedback and Reflection: We welcome feedback from our audience and are open to suggestions on how we can improve our ethical standards. We regularly review our policies and practices to ensure they align with our values and the expectations of our audience.
  • Ethical Decision-Making: We approach all decisions with careful consideration of their ethical implications, ensuring that our actions align with our stated principles.
  • Ongoing Education: We engage in ongoing education and awareness on ethical issues relevant to our industry, helping us stay informed and proactive in addressing ethical challenges.

By adhering to this Ethics Policy, reaffirms its dedication to maintaining the highest standards of ethical conduct in all its endeavors. We are committed to earning and keeping the trust of our audience through responsible, transparent, and principled actions.