Zapier is an automation tool that has become almost ubiquitous in recent years.

And the reason for that, is that it pretty much connects any popular online tool or software platform.

Not only does it connect them, but it enables you to create actions that happen in-between those connections.

For example, you can connect ClickFunnels to Google Sheets, and then add new lines in the spreadsheet for every new lead that comes in.

But! Before the data is written into the spreadsheet, you can do really cool things like reformat the date, or even have ChatGPT write some copy based on the data.

So in this article, what I wanted to do was to inspire you with three big ideas on how you can use Zapier to beef up your business and make it more profitable.

Lead Management

Many businesses have a plethora of software tools to run their online business; funnel builders, CRM’s, form tools, email marketing software etc. etc. etc. And while many of them have basic API’s (Application Programming Interface) which connect some of them together on a basic level. They often won’t give you any ability to process the data in between.

Zapier can more accurately and more controllably connect and automate these vital data points. From your lead capture to your CRM, you can migrate each field, tidy the information by checking the capitalisation, and carefully put the right info into the right CRM fields.

Then, you can forward that same data straight into your email marketing software, trigger a campaign and start them on a particular sequence of emails based on what information they entered in the first step.

And if they enter more information in subsequent steps, such as through an application. You can update and overwrite that data in the CRM. Take them out of that first email sequence, and then start them off in a new sequence that again, is relevant to the new information they’ve just given.

Sales Process

Of course, one of the most, if not the most important area of your business is your sales process. Because if your sales aren’t dialled in, your business will run out of cash and die.

Time is of the essence with sales, because people can go cold quickly.

Which means that good automations built throughout your sales process can close gaps quickly, notify team members, and reconnect warm leads.

Any good sales team will have a sales pipeline in place, with various stages setup for different steps on the sales journey. e.g. lead, application, follow up booked, sale etc. etc.

With Zapier, you can connect your pipeline software such as, Pipedrive or GoHighLevel so that as a prospect moves from one stage of the pipeline to another, the automations are triggered.

Or vice versa, Zapier can move a prospect from one pipeline stage to another based on other factors.

Good ways to use this would be if a prospect fills in a form to download a free lead magnet. Zapier can alert the sales team to give that person a call.

Or, if a sale is made, the t-shirt and book can be ordered and sent to them automatically.

Onboarding New Clients

I talk about onboarding a LOT with my own consulting clients. Because it’s an area that almost every business gets terribly WRONG and it costs them a lot of pain, and a lot of money.

Time is absolutely critical when it comes to onboarding because as soon as someone pays the sales person for the high-ticket product. They are immediately in freak-out mode until the product is delivered to them.

They worry that they’ve been scammed, or that the product won’t live up to their expectations, and so on.

The longer they’re in this state, the higher the chance they’ll get cold feet and ask for their money back.

Many businesses think onboarding a new client the day after the sale is ok, but it’s NOT!!! 12–24 hours to wait for an onboarding to begin is an eternity.

Think more like ten minutes to get them all setup and logged in straight after the sale, and believe me, half of your customer service problems will go away instantly.

If you’re a million miles away from that, don’t worry, Zapier is here to save you.

You can connect it to your Stripe account, so that as soon as that payment is received, you’re instantly sending the new client a welcome email, their login details, their group invite and their goodies are already on the way in the mail.

Giving you an amazing opportunity to surprise and delight them from their very first seconds as a client.

There are many, many more ways you can use automations to streamline and simplify your business. If you’d like to find out how, book in a call with me and I can walk you through how I can help you to get them setup.